Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Assalaam Alaikum brothers and sisters,

As some of you are no doubt aware, MPACUK spokesman, Asghar Bukhari, has recently come under a dangerous and vile attack from the pro-Israeli lobby and its associates for daring to stand up for the rights of the Palestinian people.

Mr. Bukhari was recently quoted as saying,
"Muslims who fight against the occupation of their lands are 'Mujahadeen' and are blessed by Allah. And any Muslim who fights and dies against Israel and dies is a martyr and will be granted paradise ... There is no greater oppressor on this earth than the Zionists, who murder little children for sport."

For standing up for the Ummah, he has not only been threatened with arrest, but also is on the receiving end of threatening letters at his home that pose a risk to not only himself, but to his entire family.

We urge everyone to show their support for Asghar by commenting on our website - and donating toward any legal fees.

Please also forward this email to your friends and family so that they may show their support to those who stand up for the oppressed, and that they may be alerted those that would try to harm the Ummah.

May Allah (SWT) bless you for your support and the unity that you show to your brothers and sisters in the Ummah.

Walaikum Salam.

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